Welcome to Family Eyecare! The staff at Family Eyecare have been enhancing visual abilities for improved performance for 30 years, offering complete vision care services for the entire family. The doctors at Family Eyecare specialize in children’s vision, visual perceptual evaluations, vision therapy, adult vision and contact lenses. State-of-the-art computers are used to precisely determine visual responses, corneal curvature and tracking capabilities. Serving Madison Springs, Inling City, Tripec, Kilbrice, Nathonville, Drydon, Beckhurst and Reynolds.
Vision Therapy is an individualized, supervised, treatment program designed to correct visual-motor and/ or perceptual-cognitive deficiencies. Vision Therapy sessions include procedures designed to enhance the brain’s ability to control.
Learn how to detect possible visual problems in a child or adult with vision quizzes and checklists on this page. Answer the questions, then click on “Show Me the Answers” to see how much you really know about your vision.